New to Virtual Group Meetings? Find out how to ZOOM - it’s easy!
All you need is either a PHONE (any type) or a COMPUTER.
To call in on a peer support group, call the number in the group listing just before the group time.
On a tablet, laptop, or desktop, download the Zoom Client for Meetings. Create your account, following the instructions.
If you need help before a group starts, call us at 434-979-2440. One of our staff members will be very happy to help you connect!
Monday 11-noon
Creativity Group
Process your lived experience through all types of creativity; no experience needed!
Monday 1-2pm
Knit & Stitch!
No experience needed! Try out a new creative activity
or work on your own projects! Limited supplies provided.
Monday 3-4pm
Peer Support VIRTUAL
Phone number: +1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 554 555 442
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Monday 3-4pm
Peer Support
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Tuesday 12-1pm
Smart Recovery VIRTUAL
Phone number: +1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 828 3340 5555
SMART is a self-empowering, science-based approach to addiction recovery guided by trained peers. It’s different from 12-step programs. It’s a transformative way of moving from addictive behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.
Tuesday 1-2pm
Recovery Through Music
Music can be a powerful tool for recovery and wellness! Whether we listen or make music, it’s a safe way to express our feelings and tap into a feeling of community. Choose a song to share that is meaningful to you and your recovery. We listen + discuss.
Tuesday 3-4pm
Peer Support VIRTUAL
Phone number: +1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 606 819 950
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Tuesday 3-4pm
Peer Support
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm
SMART Recovery
SMART is a self-empowering, science-based approach to addiction recovery guided by trained peers. It’s different from 12-step programs. It’s a transformative way of moving from addictive behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.
Wednesday 1-2pm
APPR: Advance Planning for Prevention and Recovery
Get recovery tools for every day, plan for tough days, and feel better.
Wednesday 3-4pm
Peer Support VIRTUAL
Phone number: +1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 807 699 583
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Wednesday 3-4
Peer Support
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Wednesday 6-7pm
Queer Support VIRTUAL
Phone Number: +1 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 817 1227 3458
It’s rough out there! Find a safe space to talk in our virtual,
affirming safe space for LGBTQIA+ folks experiencing challenges
with mental health, substance use, or trauma.
Thursday 10-11am
Learn the principles of mindfulness meditation for benefits
in physical and mental health.
Thursday 11-noon
Games + Puzzles
Spend supportive social time with peers while enjoying fun games and puzzles (Bananagrams, anyone?)
Thursday 3-4pm
Peer Support VIRTUAL
Phone Number: +1 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 890 978 833
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Thursday 3-4pm
Peer Support
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Thursday 6-7pm
Smart Recovery VIRTUAL
Phone number: +1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 848 524 80842
SMART is a self-empowering, science-based approach to addiction recovery guided by trained peers. It’s different from 12-step programs. It’s a transformative way of moving from addictive behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.
Friday 1-2pm
Assertiveness Group
Learn how to communicate important information in a calm and positive
way, increasing your ability to stand up for yourself and others.
Friday 3-4pm
Peer Support VIRTUAL
Phone number: +1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 288 077 686
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Friday 3-4pm
Peer Support
This daily group provides mutual support for all peers!
Saturday 3-4pm
Goals Group VIRTUAL
Phone number: +1-301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 481 056 995
Create individual recovery goals within a larger plan. Meet weekly to discuss challenges, successes, and plans.