Monday 1pm to 2pm
Explore, learn, and develop new strategies to help manage anger and other emotions. Anger is a normal, healthy reaction to the world, and in itself is neither good nor bad. It signals to us that a situation is upsetting, unjust, or threatening. In certain circumstances, however, anger and similar emotions can overcome our ability to address the very thing that is causing our strong reactions. And sometimes, our reactions can make the problem worse by hurting ourselves or others. In this group, we explore how to manage our strong reactions to the world, and use their power for positive change.
Open to all.
Join online:
Meeting ID: 870 084 910
Join by phone:
Meeting ID: 870 084 910
If you require proof of attendance or credit for the class, please let the facilitator know either at the beginning or end of class. You may also email to request verification that you attended this group. In your email, please provide an email address at which you can be reached, or the name and email address of the person requiring proof of attendance.